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Inclusivity Statement


The Union of Mystriks is a community where every individual is valued and respected. Our union is founded on the principles of Mystrikism, which promotes a harmonious balance between rational "spirituality", scientific understanding, and ethical, compassionate living. We recognise that each person is a unique tapestry of experiences and identities, and we celebrate this diversity in all its forms.


Embracing All Identities and Experiences: 

We openly welcome people from all backgrounds, regardless of their political affiliation, sex, gender identity, sexuality, social class, age, disability, secular religion, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, or culture. Our community is a safe space where you can be yourself, free from judgment.


No Place for Prejudice: 

At the Union, there is no room for discrimination based on complexion, beauty standards, height, body weight, occupation, wealth, education level, criminal background, dietary identity, sports-team affiliations, or music tastes. We believe in looking beyond societal labels and seeing the inherent worth in every person.


Welcoming Secular Believers: 

We extend a special welcome to individuals from various religious backgrounds who engage with their cultures in a secular way. Whether you are a secular Jew or Christian, a secular Muslim, or identify with any other faith in a cultural and non-religious manner, we appreciate your presence. Your participation in the cultural aspects of your heritage, devoid of religious or spiritual beliefs, aligns with our union's values of rationality and appreciation for the diverse tapestry of human culture.


Ideological Alignment: 

While we embrace a wide range of personal characteristics and backgrounds, we do recognise that our core ideology of Mystrikism may not agree with everyone. If you find that our philosophical approach does not align with your own, we understand and respect your journey. We hope that perhaps in the future, your path might lead you back to us, should your worldview evolve to resonate with ours.


The Union is more than a place to belong; it is a community where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated. We invite you to join us in this journey of mutual respect, understanding, and discovery, where every individual is a valued member of our community.

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What is Our Position on Membership?


The members of the Union of Mystriks respectfully acknowledge that our approach may not resonate with everyone. Our intention is not to challenge or convert those who hold different beliefs but to provide a sanctuary for those who already share our perspective. This focus ensures that our community remains a place of peace and harmony, free from the divisiveness of debates and the need to defend our worldview.


In this light, our Union is not a platform for debating or convincing others to adopt our views. Instead, we seek to attract those who already resonate with our principles and are looking for a community of shared identity that reflects their own understanding of the world. We welcome individuals who find a natural alignment with our ideology and who are seeking a space to explore these beliefs further in a supportive and like-minded environment.


Our community is defined by a collective journey towards understanding, appreciating and revering the mysteries of nature and existence through a rational lens. We welcome those who are already on this path and who wish to join us in celebrating the beauty and complexity of the world as understood through scientific inquiry and ethical consideration.


In essence, the Union is a gathering of individuals united by common beliefs and values. Our doors are open to those who find themselves naturally aligned with our principles, seeking a community where these ideas are not just accepted but celebrated.

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Obligations & Freedoms


Obligations of Every Mystrik:

Our First Responsibility - Embracing Imperfection:
As Mystriks, we acknowledge our nature as imperfect, fallible beings. Our foremost obligation is the commitment to doing our best while recognising that our efforts will fall short of perfection. This acknowledgment does not invite judgment or criticism; instead, it's all about heading in the right direction and moving toward self-improvement. It is within this balance of effort and acceptance that our true growth as Mystriks flourishes.

Self-Identification and Advocacy: 
When faced with questions about your philosophical or doctrinal positions, declare yourself a Mystrik, an adherent of Mystrikism and a member of the Union of Mystriks, a new sensible philosophical alternative. Embrace and articulate your dedication to the principles and ethics of Mystrikism, demonstrating how they resonate with your personal worldview and common sense.

Promote Kindness and Compassion: 
Strive to cultivate an environment of harmony, trust, and cooperation. This involves practising and encouraging kindness in every interaction, maintaining or improving well-being in sapient and sentient beings, the environment and nature’s ecosystems.


Commitment to Honesty: 
Uphold the highest standards of honesty in both scientific exploration and daily life by being truthful in your dealings, transparent about your intentions, and authentic in presenting yourself. Mystriks integrate the scientific method and empirical evidence into their everyday lives while recognising the importance of earned trust, rather than blind faith, in the reliability of scientifically validated knowledge and technology, allowing Mystriks to make informed decisions even without personal empirical validation.

Commitment to Naturalism: 

Mystriks embrace a worldview grounded in naturalism, where all understanding stems from the natural world and scientific inquiry. We use evidence, reason, and empirical observation to navigate life, rejecting supernatural explanations. Our trust is earned through proven facts, ensuring our decisions are rooted in what can be measured and validated within the natural world.

Embrace Humility: 
Recognise the infinite expanse of what we do not know, maintaining a mindset open to learning and discovery. This humility allows for accepting new ideas, admitting errors, and recognising that the Unknown is a power greater than ourselves, subduing hubris and domesticating ego.

Engage in “Spiritual” Reflection: 
Dedicate time to ponder the magnificence of the universe and experience moments of “spiritual” transcendence. Whether through meditation, nature walks, stargazing, dancing, forest bathing, solitude, surfing or other inspirational activities, seek to deepen your appreciation for the cosmos.

Freedoms Of Every Mystrik:

No Financial Obligations: 
Membership is free from dues, fees, or mandatory contributions. While there are optional items for purchase, such as bumper stickers, signet rings or lapel pins, these are always offered at cost, ensuring no financial burden will ever be placed on members.

Freedom to Disassociate: 
Should you choose to leave the Union, you may do so freely, without fear of judgment or exclusion. We value the warmth of past connections and the right to diverge in beliefs while maintaining respect and friendship.

Freedom of Expression: 
We celebrate diversity in thoughts, experiences, and expressions within Mystrikism’s core values. Members are not constrained to a rigid and irrational set of practices, allowing for a rich tapestry of individual identities.

No Proselytizing Requirement: 
While personal testimony and sharing of experiences are welcomed, there is no obligation to convert others to Mystrikism. We respect individual journeys and beliefs, advocating for a space where diverse paths are acknowledged and honoured.

Flexibility in Participation: 
Your involvement in Union events or activities is voluntary, aligning with your interest and availability. We encourage engagement that is meaningful and enriching to you without any pressure or imposed expectations.

DALL·E 2024-06-01 17.12.55 - A realistic 3D cosmic snail with a shell composed of swirling
Inclusivity Statement
What is Our Position on Membership?
Obligations & Freedoms
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