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Mystrikism is a sensible set of philosophical principles that offers a rational alternative to religion. We aim to provide a naturalistic identity that values critical thought, scientific inquiry, and ethical tenets based on empirically measurable well-being, completely devoid of supernatural elements.


Mystrikism addresses the need for common ground among sceptical individuals, enhancing, complementing and building upon humanism. It offers a framework of objective ethics rooted in quantifiable human flourishing, a rational concept greater than ourselves, and a naturalised "spirituality" that celebrates those moments in life that transcend the ordinary. The purpose of Mystrikism, ultimately, is to encourage sapient beings to explore and uncover the mysteries of the universe, to marvel at its sublimity and complexity, and to expand our knowledge and wisdom.


Of course, no one is expected to become a scientist by profession, but we encourage Mystriks to do their best to think like one, carefully and honestly unravelling the truth around us. Each of us uncovers the universe’s secrets in our own way, whether through understanding life and the laws that govern the universe, exploring our inner selves, expanding personal wisdom, or appreciating the value of kindness and all life.


Mystriks believe that the noblest goals are the honest pursuit of the best approximate truth, the appreciation of reality’s splendour, and the employment of compassion. Thus kindness and the methods of science, are central to our ethos. The Union upholds that kindness infuses compassion and sustainability into the lifeless realms of cold logic and reason.


Why should we write “no religion” or merely “agnostic” or “atheist” on a census form when we embody so much more? We find marvel and sublimity in the world like any other intelligent beings, except we don’t attribute these experiences to any supernatural interpretation.


We revere, simply meaning respect and awe, the dynamic and infinite unknown as a concept greater than ourselves, giving perspective to our self-importance, humbling egotism and subduing hubris. This reverence is not worship, nor does it involve any form of devotion or supernatural belief. It’s a recognition of the vast mystery without assigning it divine attributes. By definition, the mystery of reality is beyond our understanding, epically greater than ourselves, and not in conflict with logic and the purposes of science. This concept has no mind, agency, personality, agenda, awareness, or any divine, paranormal, or supernatural elements. Though some forms of pantheism or pandeism interpret the unknown as a manifestation of a god or divine force, Mystrikism firmly separates itself from such beliefs.


Mystriks train themselves to deliberately pause and savour those natural (non-supernatural) “spiritual" moments of wonder, awe and connection that transcend the ordinary. That inspired feeling you receive from your brain and nervous system when you look at the Milky Way, learn an important truth or hear a beautiful piece of music.


Mystriks acknowledge the limits of human knowledge, perception, and cognition, relying on the methods of science to compensate for our flaws in our attempts to comprehend reality. Mystrikism integrates the philosophy of naturalism, emphasising that the universe’s complexity and beauty are sufficient without supernatural explanations, recognising a reality exclusively based on natural elements and leaving no room for the paranormal.

So far, like other superstitions, the god hypothesis has not been scientifically verified, nor is it even falsifiable. As a result, our agnosticism leads us to non-theism: because we don’t know, we don’t believe. Pure atheism often involves an outright and active rejection of theistic claims, which can create a sense of finality. Non-theism, on the other hand, leaves more room for humility and inquiry. It simply indicates the absence of belief in gods without requiring an absolute and definitive stance. For Mystrikism, non-religious non-theism better aligns with our core values of naturalism, the scientific method, and openness to the unknown. In this way, we remain grounded in reality while staying open to the mysteries of the cosmos.

We invite those seeking a like-minded identity and sensible values to live by. If you have any interest, please explore our website to fully grasp what we represent. For ANY questions or more details, feel free to email us ANYTIME. If our philosophy resonates with you and you wish to identify as a Mystrik and live by our principles, we invite you to drop us a line, and we will contact you.

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