Mystrikism is a sensible, syncretic, philosophical identity offering a naturalistic alternative to traditional religion. We uphold an ethos that prioritises kindness and honesty through compassion and the methods of science without relying on unsubstantiated ideas such as the supernatural.
Mystrikism respectfully enhances, complements, and expands upon the scope of humanism, providing common ground for sceptics, through ethics rooted in the measurable flourishing for all life and ecologies, a rational aspect of reality vastly greater than ourselves, and a secular “spirituality” that celebrates natural moments that transcend the ordinary.
Our purpose is to inspire and facilitate the exploration of the universe, marvel at its sublimity, and expand our knowledge and wisdom. Mystriks strive to think scientifically while exploring nature and its governing laws, examining our inner selves, and learning the value of kindness.
The noblest goals for Mystriks are pursuing the current best approximate truth, appreciating reality’s natural splendour, and practising compassion. Scientific honesty and kindness form the foundation of our ethos, with compassion adding warmth and sustainability to the cold logic of reason.
Mystriks revere the infinite unknown as an aspect of reality beyond our comprehension that humbles egotism, tempers pride and offers much-needed perspective to human self-importance. This reverence, simply meaning respect and awe, is not worship or devotion but an acknowledgment of an epistemological concept monumentally greater than ourselves. It’s a humbling recognition of the profound mysteries of existence, untouched by mind, intention, awareness, or mystical elements.
Mystriks deliberately pause to savour naturalised (non-supernatural) “spiritual” moments, whether gazing at our Milky Way galaxy, learning a profound truth, seeing the delicate beauty of a dewy spider’s web, or hearing a perfect piece of music. These experiences inspire awe, wonder, and connection through our brain and nervous system without invoking the supernatural.
Recognising the limits of human knowledge, perception, memory, and cognition, Mystrikism relies on the integrated methods of science to uncover the universe’s secrets. Mystrikism’s philosophy of naturalism asserts that the beauty and complexity of the cosmos do not require magical explanations.
Like other superstitions, the god hypothesis remains neither scientifically verified nor falsifiable. Mystrikism’s agnosticism leads to non-theism: because we don’t know, we don’t believe. Unlike many forms of atheism, which often involve an active and outright rejection of theism, non-theism remains open to inquiry and humble about the unknown, aligning with our core values of naturalism and scientific openness.
Mystrikism is a sensible set of principles and identity for those seeking a rational and compassionate ethos. If this resonates with you, explore our website and contact us.
+61 402 760 705